Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Population of Mason's Head:Going on 200 Comic Characters

Utes and Cougars, you are behind the Mason Times by 3 months! If you are still thinking of Toon Tron or the Animator, you obviously haven't seen me in a long time. Yes, I am still crazy about comics! And yes, I am probably even crazier! I have made up 2 teams and 16 characters! In one of them, the Wild Ones, Reado is now dubbed Grizzly, the half bear super. Haily is Akela, a spidery crime fighter with Twilight, the scampery half mouse (Bryn) at her side. In the other, dubbed the Gods, I am Shockwave, the son of Hercules and Posideon's daughter. Either way you are behind the times and I have to go to bed, Bye!


Jessica said...

Hey you mister crazy comic man, where are the story lines for the Graham family super heros and their side kick aunt Jess. I still want to be Honey for halloween and need to know what she looks like to do so. And I would still like to post about you crazy kids and your alter-egos.

amanda jane said...

Man Mason, how could we possilby keep up. Rugby, comics, AND football. You are one complex kid.

Blue Rhino said...

Incorrect, you forgot video games