Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Great Land of Fairy (African) tales

Once upon a time there was a land called the Great Land of Fairy (African) Tales. Here lived John King (Dad), the king of the Wizards, Queen Katie (Mom), Mason the Sage ( Mason Graham), who was the Lord of the great Rugby Stadium, Captain and wing of the Blue Trolls, and who was able to KO a ogre less than 2 seconds, Brynley the Warrior Princess (Brynley Graham), Madi (Madi Graham), her sister and Princess of the Square Table, Porter the Man-Eating Werewolf(Porter Graham), who ate orcs by the pound, was the hooker and captain of the Orcboks, and played rugby, Molly the Yellow Hood (or the hoodlum Molly Yellowhood) (Molly Graham), and Lucy Twinklediaper (Lucy Graham), Molly's right hand screamer. They all lived in perfect chaos (You think we could have harmony with two hoodlums like Molly and Lucy?!) and had plenty of fights, such as the Battle of Couch Hill, located in the land of TV 'Oom.


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